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Dating Sites: Pros, Cons, and Red Flags
A frustrated man using a computer.

When it comes to online dating, there are a lot of questions and uncertainties that come your way. After all, a lot of negative feedback was written and posted on the internet about it. But, using it in a positive way will definitely grant you what you’ve been looking for.

While it is true that some dating sites cannot meet our standards, the handlers or owners, however, are continually adjusting to the changing stance of social dating. With this scenario, not all dating sites are perfect and some services being offered are often misleading.

For further and simpler explanations, here are the Pros and Cons of Online Dating:

Online Dating: Tips for Writing a Great Dating Profile
learn how to write a great dating profile

With online dating becoming a new venue for romance and with a lot of people as competition, your profile is your only ticket to getting what you are looking for. And creating a great dating profile is not as easy as it sounds.

To succeed in online dating is to have a great profile. Your profile is your first impression to anyone who might click your name. There's a saying that the first impression lasts, and making a good first impression is something you should aim for.

Create a great dating profile page that will make anyone mail you in a heartbeat! Here is a checklist for writing your profile:

  • When Choosing Adjectives
  • How You Live Your Life
  • What are You Looking for
  • Who are You Looking for
  • Grammar and Spelling Check
  • Upload a Profile Picture
Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Date a Latina
dating Latin women

Women running in beaches. Ladies dancing in party clubs. Gals strolling down on the streets of Cartagena or Lima. Whatever city or country in Latin America these women may be part in, still, taking into account the possible bases in dating Latin women is of great significance. But who are Latinas? What are they capable of?

First Date and First Impressions

learn how to impress your date on your first date

The first impression is one of the most important part of socializing, especially on first dates. It’s your chance to showcase your best parts and your ticket to a smoother interaction.

Although, this will change as time goes by, it somehow affects how a person treats you in the early part of the relationship.

So how do you make sure you make a great first impression?

These guides will help you UP your dating game.

10 Ways to Make a Good Impression on Your First Date

learn how to enjoy your first date

Hygiene - the top most important and a no brainer. C’mon, even if your date doesn’t have a canine's nose, you don’t want to be unclean in meeting a new person, do you? Good.

Making sure your teeth are clean, your breath is fresh and your clothes are washed and neatly pressed, is the beginning of a great date time. Otherwise, you’ll just feel awkward during the date.

Also, put on a nice fragrance. It will help in making you extra attractive towards your date.

Outfit- there’s power in wearing the right clothes. Celebrities wear flashy designer clothes because this speaks “I have style,” “I am smart,” “I am confident,” and “I am fun.” This crawls into your perception as a person, “probably” having a “great personality.” And that’s good, what you wear is an expression of yourself.

dress appropriately for your first date

Wear clothes that can speak for your style. It is also important to wear something you’re comfortable in and make sure not to go overboard. Especially with colors.

Just add a little dab of edge, trend and personality, don’t forget; confidence, and you’ll be looking fantastic.

Also, put on a nice fragrance. It will help in making you extra attractive towards your date.

Also, consider the venue of your first date. Wear clothing that matches the place. Is it going to be a formal dinner date? Then wear something classy. Will be out to have fun in a bar? Wear something edgy. Or are you going to chill on a chic cafeteria, wear something casual.

confidence is a big factor on impressing your date

Be Confident but Relaxed - one of the most useful accessory in meeting a date. But there are types of “confidence” that may be a turn off instead of a turn on. Like: appearing arrogant, boastful or even insecure.

When confident-self-expression is put on perspective, a person will look reliable, sexy and smart. I recommend relaxed confidence. Simply be confident in your own skin and keep your mood or temperaments “mellow.”

Sometimes being over excited or tensed may lead to a negative impression even when you’re really “not that type of person,” as you think.

Be on Time - doesn’t matter so much if you’re already a prompt person; however, not all humans are very good at this. A lot of factors, like culture or “creativity” (blame it on Google, haha), or an emergency, who knows.

Whatever it is, being not on time will most likely land you a tagline of a “slacker.” It’s not fair, not good, but try to avoid it by planning ahead and being conscious of the time. Organize yourself and create a time plan for your time management.

Show an Interest - Who wants to date someone who’s “not in the mood?” What a turn off! Engage a conversation with your date, don’t just talk about yourself.

Ask questions about her. This shows a genuine interest in spending time with her. React or respond accordingly to what they say. BUT, don’t ask anything that would make your date uncomfortable. Take note of boundaries and apply it to your questions.

Remember: there are things that are not meant to be asked on first dates.

learn what to say on your first date

Be polite - The “magic formula” to a great first impression. This will say a lot about what type of person you are. Remember, we are dealing with a person’s “first impression” of you. They can decide if you are well mannered or not, whether you act on purpose or completely naturally.

Chivalry, despite its “unfeasible” application on the modern world, is still a nice trait to admire. Do a little “chivalric act,” like opening the car door, touching her waist while walking and offering a seat.

Being polite not only to your date but to everyone you meet during the date, will help you shape anyone’s first impression of you. Don’t let trivial things touch your temper, be considerate of others and always wear a friendly vibe.

Avoid Mentioning Your Ex

never mention your ex when on a date

Plant this in your head or make it your phone’s wallpaper. Mentioning your past relationships is a red flag! Are you kidding me? Who wants to date someone who’s not over their ex? Keep that in mind when dating someone, especially on your first date.

Keep your past lovers in the past and never bring them up on your dates.

Talk About the Things You Have in Common

smile and show your interest to your date

What we say counts a lot. It could make or break your date night. By thinking positively, your mind and body will manifest positive thoughts and actions to. Asking the right questions and maintaining a great tone will be a breeze and will make you look like you really are having a great time in getting to know the person.

Talking about the things you have in common is sure to create a connection. They will feel you’re able to relate and the two of you might be an “it.”

Also, listen attentively to topics you might not be able to relate. This might be a different interest from yours but showing a genuine interest about the subject will be a pleasant experience for your date. They will feel valued and respected.

Enjoy and Have a Good Time

show how fun you can be to your date

It should show from your mood, your eyes, your smile, and your overall gestures. Remember, the tiniest gesture of fakeness will show! You can’t monitor how your face reacts, every split second and your eyes will undeniably show how you feel even if you try to hide it!

Enjoy the moment! That’s a great way to show “how nice as a companion” you are! “I had so much fun I never had in years!” imagine them saying that.


If you are a guy, this is very important. Women don’t want to take the lead in dating. Well, sometimes they would want to, but they like it more if you take charge!

Not to pressure you, but it’s just the very basic expectation of a female who wants to see how interesting you are and wants to show she respects your ideas.

If you’re a woman, having a nifty suggestion will add your level of attractiveness to the sky. Do your research, just keep it ready just in case both of you needs an extra spark of excitement!

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Types of Online Dating Sites

Venturing the world of online dating can sometimes be tricky and intimidating. It is important that you know that there are different types of online dating sites. Each type stands as a category which caters to a specific crowd, allowing you to experience online dating to the fullest.

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