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Dating Sites: Pros, Cons, and Red Flags
A frustrated man using a computer.

When it comes to online dating, there are a lot of questions and uncertainties that come your way. After all, a lot of negative feedback was written and posted on the internet about it. But, using it in a positive way will definitely grant you what you’ve been looking for.

While it is true that some dating sites cannot meet our standards, the handlers or owners, however, are continually adjusting to the changing stance of social dating. With this scenario, not all dating sites are perfect and some services being offered are often misleading.

For further and simpler explanations, here are the Pros and Cons of Online Dating:

Online Dating: Tips for Writing a Great Dating Profile
learn how to write a great dating profile

With online dating becoming a new venue for romance and with a lot of people as competition, your profile is your only ticket to getting what you are looking for. And creating a great dating profile is not as easy as it sounds.

To succeed in online dating is to have a great profile. Your profile is your first impression to anyone who might click your name. There's a saying that the first impression lasts, and making a good first impression is something you should aim for.

Create a great dating profile page that will make anyone mail you in a heartbeat! Here is a checklist for writing your profile:

  • When Choosing Adjectives
  • How You Live Your Life
  • What are You Looking for
  • Who are You Looking for
  • Grammar and Spelling Check
  • Upload a Profile Picture
Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Date a Latina
dating Latin women

Women running in beaches. Ladies dancing in party clubs. Gals strolling down on the streets of Cartagena or Lima. Whatever city or country in Latin America these women may be part in, still, taking into account the possible bases in dating Latin women is of great significance. But who are Latinas? What are they capable of?

10 After Date Text Messages That Women CAN’T Resist

A photo of a woman smiling while holding up her smartphone An after date text is one the best ways to make a woman fall for you. | Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

Did you know that a simple after date text can become your best way to make a woman fall for you?

You read that right.

The effort you put into planning for the actual date does not end when you say farewell and good night to each other.

If you are looking forward to seeing her again and getting a yes to a second date, make sure to follow up with the perfect text message.

It only requires a few things, such as sincerity, respect, and these effective lines.

Read on to find out which of these text messages best fit what you wish to express to your special lady.

Believe us, she won’t be able to resist replying to you as soon as she reads any of these:

1. “Did you get home safely?”

Women love men who are thoughtful. So forget about being on the fence about texting her after your date because this is basically a good thing to do.

Women find it sweet when their date does not forget about them that quickly.

A few hours after you have parted ways, text her to see if she made it home safely. It’s basic after first date etiquette.

It does not have to be anything too specific, either. Just keep it simple. Ask her if she made it home fine and comfortably.

Checking up on her safety is one of the many goals to consider if you want to win her over in the long run.

Plus, it’s a safe way to start conversing once more, earning yourself some chivalry points along the way.

2. “I had a great time! Hope you enjoyed it as well.”

Dates, whether first or succeeding ones, can still be an uncertain event for both parties involved. You are allowed to feel nervous and scared.

Surely, she is feeling the same way too.

That nagging suspicion in your mind about whether the things that happened were equally a good experience for her may also be the same exact thing she is thinking about. Thus, she might not be comfortable with reaching out to you first to know if you had a good time.

As a gentleman take the initiative and ask her how she is feeling.

Was it a good time for her like it was for you? Was it a beautiful memory or more of a nightmare?

Girls like it when men share with them how they had a nice time in their company.

Send that text and you will surely be amazed at how she would gush about your memorable date.

3. “Your jokes were hilarious. I’m still chuckling just thinking about them.”

Don’t be afraid to recall the more fun parts of the date you had with her. Tell her what you liked and which ones particularly made a mark on you.

Also, try mixing up some comments about an experience you both shared, the ones you brought up during your date, with some lighthearted jokes.

This will allow you to create a way for a call-and-response.

Be careful, however, about teasing that can come off us mean and rude. Be classy and cool, not brash and brute.

If you get this right, it will make her think about how much of a sweetheart you are and how much she would love to see you again.

4. “I remember you mentioned you wanted to try out some foreign dishes. I know of a good place we can visit.”

Doing an activity together is a good way to transition into setting up another one.

Aside from having the confidence to propose another meeting, women appreciate it when a man can remember the things they said during their actual date.

It’s even better if it’s about something she particularly enjoys.

Be active and eager to join her in her expeditions.

As she feels your genuine interest in her likes, she will effectively feel your genuine interest in her.

5. “I have never met a woman who can make me laugh about the simplest of things. You really know how to make someone feel safe and comfortable.”

Don’t be uptight about handing out compliments to her, most especially if it was among the most striking parts of your date.

Tell her something that will make her feel good. Make her smile over a simple text. Simply give her ego a boost.

There’s nothing to worry about. It’s not lying if what you are saying is true.

Also, you can be flirty in your compliments. It all depends on how you phrase them.

An up close photo of a woman on her phone, slightly smiling The right after date text can guarantee you another date with her. | Photo by on Pexels

6. “Thank you for tonight. I’m up for another unique adventure with you this weekend.”

Keep in mind that there are some women who aren’t always ready to converse more over texting, and that’s fine.

It doesn’t mean that you’ve missed your chance with her or that she is not interested in you.

Sometimes, you just have to keep it simple by thanking her for the time you spent together. There are no sweet words needed, just gratitude and a note that you are free for another date if she wants.

It’s not necessary for you both to exchange words right away, not unless she’s ready to open up to you.

She will be thankful for your understanding and giving her some space. This will also give her an idea that you are a trustworthy man, and that another date may even be a good idea.

7. “How are you doing?”

This may look a bit dismissive or lacking in effort in terms of what a woman would look for in a man she is dating.

Keeping it short and simple is the same idea as being cool with casual conversations.

There’s no pressure to elaborate on things that she may not be comfortable sharing with you at the moment.

Just mirror her style when she texts, and it’s going to be a smooth and less burdensome conversation.

8. “I looked up the book you recommended, it looks nice!”

A good way to start a conversation with the woman you were just with is to mention something she specifically brought up with you.

It could be about a film she thought you would like or a book or recipe. However, you don’t have to pour yourself into it in one sitting.

That’s the beauty of texting her about it — she will help you out. And that would mean a longer time talking to each other.

Maybe you can even find commonalities through this and bond over them.

A step closer to heart, right?

9. “How did you find the show I mentioned to you about?”

Same with what was mentioned above, this will allow you to open up about something that will gauge her interest. It could be about a movie plot you wanted her to check out or an author who writes books with a genre that she’s into.

Were you right about your recommendation? Or do you need to communicate and bond more to understand each other’s interests?

Your texts can bring you closer even if it’s not physically — for now.

10. “So, can I ask you out again some time?”

There is no woman who likes indecisiveness in a man.

Tell her you like her and that you liked going out with her, and that you would love to spend another chance to be with her again.

Men shouldn't waste too much time beforehand, just ask her out.

You’ll never know, this might just be the exact text she was waiting for.

Then her “yes” would be even sweeter to read before going on the next date.

Press Send

After reading all of these good after date text examples, do you still doubt the power of a simple, safe text message?

It’s more than just sending her a good night message after your date has finished.

So after your date, start texting, start communicating, and start building towards that happy future — or at least until the next date.

Don’t worry; these types of texts are the ones she won’t be able to resist, the same way she won’t be able to when it comes to you.

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