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Reviews Summary

7 Total Reviews

Overall Ratings Summary

5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 stars


Itemized Ratings Summary

Ease of Use / Navigation

3.0 Average Rating

Search / Match Features

2.7 Average Rating

Quality of Members / Profiles

2.4 Average Rating

Quality of Contacts / Responses

2.3 Average Rating

Cost vs. Value

2.4 Average Rating

Customer Service

2.1 Average Rating

All Reviews


“It's convenient”

06/20/24 Overall Rating: 4.0

Simple to use and locate mates nearby (or further away if desired). I looked for her myself within a hundred miles and discovered the woman I'm interested in! However, I believe that this website has genuine, high-quality people to meet.


“Was disappointed”

02/07/24 Overall Rating: 1.0

I'm usually hesitant to write negative reviews, but after my experience with this site it turned out to be a major letdown. While the platform had a user-friendly interface, it lacked substance.


“Alright, I’m done. This reviewing site makes worried.”

11/21/22 Overall Rating: 3.0

Why does this website no longer have reviews past 2018, yet has all of these ancient sites, long since dead, naturally impossible to use, and would have to be an absolute coincidence that anything came of these. This was some revolting scummy, probably get yourself hacked, kind of garbage “dating” site, that couldn’t had been good, even if you were protecting yourself, using it as a joke, anything. As it is, no surprise that this one didn’t survive, it got bought out in 2006. Then, it became a joke of a bull kind of ammy tourist site that nobody could have taken seriously. Likewise it died 6 years later after that. Now, you can see that it was a blank domain until, 2021, now on the .net suffix, became a genuine Japanese religious dating site. So, that’s convenient, isn’t it?!



11/21/22 Overall Rating: 1.0

The guy I have met, we have never been on a date. We only chat via email or text. I don’t like date sites at all because they’re too mysterious and you never know who you’re talking to like in my case. This guy could be a fake for all I know. should be completely banned.


“its quite well for me ”

09/30/22 Overall Rating: 4.0

Since I joined this site, I have had the pleasure of making such pleasurable acquaintances. The ladies are so kind and approachable, the staff is nice and willing to work with you to help you set up a profile that will draw the most attention from the ladies. I would highly recommend this site.


“It's so so ”

12/07/19 Overall Rating: 3.0

It's a lovely dating site but a few men asked for a nude photo which I didn't like.


“ slow and too many fake profiles”

11/25/19 Overall Rating: 2.0

I rate this site two because it is not fast and has so many members that are not real.

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