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Chemistry Reviews


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Reviews Summary

12 Total Reviews

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5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 stars


Itemized Ratings Summary

Ease of Use / Navigation

3.2 Average Rating

Search / Match Features

2.8 Average Rating

Quality of Members / Profiles

3.2 Average Rating

Quality of Contacts / Responses

2.9 Average Rating

Cost vs. Value

2.8 Average Rating

Customer Service

2.8 Average Rating

All Reviews



09/12/24 Overall Rating: 1.0

Full of fake profiles and barely any real conversations. I paid for a membership and got nothing in return. It’s slow, glitchy, and feels like it’s designed to waste your time. Save yourself the frustration and look elsewhere.


“Horrible and overly complicated”

03/19/24 Overall Rating: 1.0

The same people from several perspectives. I kept receiving security breach alerts about persons who contacted me, which further proves that the security is not secure. Spend your money wisely.


“What a scam.”

11/17/23 Overall Rating: 2.0

I asked to be matched with people 50 miles around where I live. They have been sending me mostly people from Ontario, Quebec and Washington State. I don't know what the maps in Texas look like, but my map here clearly shows that Ontario, etc. are all further away than 50 miles from Vancouver Island! Shame on you for taking my money and getting my hopes up. What a scam.


“fun time”

10/07/22 Overall Rating: 4.0

Online dating can be a horrible experience, but you can learn a lot from it. I am here to do just that and have fun. You'll have more fun if you don't take yourself so seriously. It's possible that you'll connect with someone you otherwise would not meet and discover they are the person you have been searching for your entire life.


“easy to use”

09/30/22 Overall Rating: 4.0

This site is easy to use, I have no real complaints. Profile set up and verification process was quick! As far as mobile user experience, I would say they still need to make improvements on loading speed, but that's just me being picky. Good site to chat to beautiful ladies and maybe more.. who knows!


“very easy to use ”

07/25/22 Overall Rating: 4.0

This service was very affordable and easy to use. I liked the layout and accessibility. I do wish it had a little more of a personality match up but it was good just chatting with people and getting to know the one for me.


“trying to connect here”

05/04/22 Overall Rating: 4.0

I am having a good experience while on - the only reason I am giving them 4 stars is that they are a bit pricey. But if you want your woman to look good you should definitely invest into your dating game like I have.


“Not the best but better than nothing. ”

01/02/19 Overall Rating: 3.0

This is not the worse dating site on the market but it aint the best either . The main thing is that it's free and that makes it busy. But does it have the right type of people, the type of people that you want to date and take home to your parents? I'm not convinced. Maybe it's just like that in my area or whatever but I think lazy people who aren't that focused on finding true love use simple mobile apps whereas the guys like me that want to find a lasting relationship use other sites to get dates. That's my take on it.


“Victim of it's own success. ”

12/24/18 Overall Rating: 4.0

Im not going to say what most people do and go on about how great Chemistry is. Im happy with it, sure, but its no better than the other site I use for setting up dates. The thing about Chemistry is its almost becoming a victim of its own success because you expect to find love in a short time and if you don't you're disappointed! I like the site a lot but its been months and im still as single as a pringle go figure! Anyway, Chemistry will prob always be number 1 but dont be scared to see what else is available would be my advice.


“Worth it”

09/10/18 Overall Rating: 5.0

I decided to give up on dating then buddy showed me I have had some amazing connections with a few women in here and have been thinking of asking one of them out.


“Bring on the cyber police ”

06/07/18 Overall Rating: 1.0

Joined up for about a week then cancelled. They refunded all my money. But every woman who contacted me was in their 20s and 30s. I'm 64. Come on, all scams. The last one had the name of Sharon in the title, but the profile description was BRIAN, a man. Even the scammers can't get it right. The site is infested with criminal types, time to get the internet cops in and close it down.


“Not as advertised”

01/03/18 Overall Rating: 1.0

This site is a joke!! I found maybe 10 gay women that were listed as matches total. I emailed demanding a refund and company had the nerve to say because I sent an email out they cannot refund my account! Umm-Yeah I attempted to see if any profiles were even real! Serious scam artists so do not waste your time or money!!

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